[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quqJaA2TPS4[/embedyt]

I experienced a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course this past weekend with several other Pine Valley staff members. Our instructor was fantastic. He would teach, then we would complete a very realistic scenario (as either the victim or the rescuer), and finish by debriefing our reactions and decisions. I didn’t think my emotions would be as engaged as they were at times, but even in a simulation, your imagination can run away with you.

Our job is to care for wounds or injuries to the best of our ability and keep people alive until the real professionals get there. Or until we can take them to the real professionals.

Listen, I cannot fix it.

(I don’t know that you want me to try either)

Read More at :  http://ejmolinari.wix.com/runningfortheprize


The Church Body

The church body. It can be a wonder or a wilderment. It can lift up or can tear down. It can join together and for some, it can seem so distant. But united, it is one of the most powerful entities in the world, both the natural and the super. And yet the church body,...

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Updates from Peru

Dear Prayer Warriors, Family and Friends, I just wanted to give you a quick update on the wonderful doors the Lord is opening for the Gospel to go forth in other communities and Indians tribes.  Last month I made contact with an Indian tribe called the Kocama...

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Reaching Out to Other Tribes

Reaching Out to Other Tribes             After much prayer and soul searching for these last several months the Lord has opened doors for me to reach out to other Indian tribes here in Peru.  While the need to continue with the Shawi communities we have been working...

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