[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quqJaA2TPS4[/embedyt]

I experienced a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course this past weekend with several other Pine Valley staff members. Our instructor was fantastic. He would teach, then we would complete a very realistic scenario (as either the victim or the rescuer), and finish by debriefing our reactions and decisions. I didn’t think my emotions would be as engaged as they were at times, but even in a simulation, your imagination can run away with you.

Our job is to care for wounds or injuries to the best of our ability and keep people alive until the real professionals get there. Or until we can take them to the real professionals.

Listen, I cannot fix it.

(I don’t know that you want me to try either)

Read More at :  http://ejmolinari.wix.com/runningfortheprize


The One-Year Anniversary of the New Church plant (June)

L to R back row:  Kim, Charis, Sharon, Alicia, DonnaL to R kneeling:  Pastor Nicolas, Pastor Eduardo and Jiler, director of the Bible InstituteOn June 14, 2018 we joined with the village of San Francisco to celebrate the one-year anniversary of their church.  This is...

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2-Day Training on the Nucuray River (June)

2-Day Training on the Nucuray RiverL to R:  Kim, Alicia, Charis and Donna doing children’s ministry in the villagesA team of four young women from a supporting church and I went to the Nucuray River to do a 2-day training for the only two Christian churches on this...

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November Newsletter

Shishinahua RiverTo all of you that have been so very faithful to stand with us in prayer, support or just interest, let me say a great big THANK YOU!  I so appreciate your position to join with us in reaching the lost for Christ and disciplining new believers to walk...

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